
I enjoy music from all genres and during pre-pandemic times I loved to go to concerts and watch artist such as Imagine Dragons and the Migos. Music is such a great outlet for creativity and it allows you the opportunity to express yourself in a variety of ways. Music is something that can help people in a dark place as well as motivate them to contiue moving foward in a positive direction. People understand how powerful music is and know that the music they listen to is a reflection of their emotions and pysche.

My favorites artist are people who can hit core feelings and make you feel deep emotions that you would normally keep hidden. I love artist like Drake and XXXTentacion who can not only rap about their perspectives, but they also can sing melancholy lullabies that bring out your inner sad boy/girl. I enjoy genres such as Country, Hip-Hop, Rap, and many more as I've grown in a diverse background picking up many different tastes. ALthough my favorite artist are from Hip Hop, I do enjoy artist from other genres such as Foo Fighters who shown in the video can deliever amazing music.

Overall, my music taste might not be for everyone, but I do enjoy putting people on to new artist/genres that they may not have listened to. Music is such a driving force, just like sports it can connect people from different backgrounds into a commonilatiy. Music will always reflect how society is functioning and what people are feeling. if you are willing to listent to my favorite songs right now, please give my song choices a listen if you are interested.

Favorites Songs Currently