Sports Talk

Lebron Dunking 3 Biggest MMA Stars

As I said in my home page, I am a huge sports fan and could talk nba, mma, and various other sports for hours. Especially the former two as I have experience playing basketball up to the high school level and some knowledge of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling. I enjoy healthy and sometimes unhealthy discourse about who the better team or fighter is and what they could do to have more success in their next exhibition. Overall, the reason I love sports so much is because aside from music sports will bring people together from many different backgrounds to supoort their favorite team/fighter.

If anyone ever questioned me about how I came to fall in love with sports, I would have to recall to a time when I wasn't the most confident and had a hard time meeting new people. I remeber my freshman year of high school I was going to a different school from all my friends and was too shy to talk to people so when I needed to make friends I joined the basketball club in my school. It was the only place I felt comfortable talking with others about my hobbies, and was a place of refuge from my negative mindset. Sports really gave me the foundation for my worth ethic and my own self improvement. It gave the concept of how hard work pays off by showing me every week how much I improved at basketball, and how my new friends supported me each day giving me a sense of community.

In the end, community was something I was always chasing for and social media was my outlet for discussing sports. I can remember joining reddit forums and twitter threads talking sports with people from all over the world. Although, I am not the most knowledgeable sports aficionado I am very perceptive and can talk with most people about sports. I enjoy the many lessons a person can learn from sports and always try to keep an open mind when I talk to people about my hobbies.

My Favorite Athletes